Thursday 7 August 2008

`Traveling Pants' lose some magic in sequel

Yes, the pants still exist, merely now they're covered in patches and jewels and etched with the memories and dreams of the four young women who've been wearing them. And they still travel - to New York and Vermont, Turkey and Greece, and various points in between.

But the magic in those jeans, and in the bond that linked the friends who've shared them over the days, seems to have faded in "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2."

The sequel to 2005's surprisingly tolerable "Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" finds our eclectic radical of heroines a short bit sr. and wiser and a lot less connected, despite the anticipate they made to ship the jeans to each other along with a note containing the juicy details of their latest adventures. Now, they barely have